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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Social Challenge Holiday CountUP! Challenge "R-word" users on Twitter

The Social Challenge is about creating a dialogue – watch a live stream of Tweets containing the R-word and then respond directly to the Tweeter. The Social Challenge is also a forum for people to share their stories and connect with one another. Our message is simple: people with developmental disabilities and their families face enough challenges as it is and words can hurt. They deserve the same rights and respect as anyone else.

We're less than two weeks from Christmas and Kwanza, less than one week from the first night of Chanukah and depending on who you ask, Festivus is right around the corner, too!

The Holidays are a wondrous time, but as they come and go, the whirlwind of excitement seems to leave us more and more frazzled with the passing of each calendar year.

If you find yourself caught up, stressed out and run down by the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, hanging lights or entertaining your in-laws, fear not—a Seasonal therapy that transcends the winter time festivities exists!

This is the time of year when we drop our spare change in the Salvation Army pots. We donate toys and cold-weather clothing for those in need. We prepare food to share with our neighbors. Heck, we go door to door and sing songs to strangers!

This is the Season of Giving!

It’s a time to share what we can with those who need it, to spread a warm and kindly spirit for all to enjoy.

So, if the true meaning of The Holiday Season gets swept away by the ultra-paced, bombastic onslaught of modern “traditions,” simply take time and reflect. Clutch that cup of tea a little tighter, pull up that laptop and take action at The Social Challenge.

It’s quick, it’s easy and once you’re finished, you’ll feel your heart grow three sizes (we promise!)

So Yule Log On, encourage a friend to register, and bring some Happiness to your Holidays at The Social Challenge this year!

Retard. More than a word to people with developmental disabilities. Challenge yourself, challenge others. Join us in creating a community rooted in equality.

# For The Social Challenge visit:

# For LifeMyWay visit: http://www.lifemyway.org/

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