as shared by National ADAPT!
In the face of a Congress that has been unwilling to work with him to advance his priorities, President Obama has sought out ideas he can announce and enact on his own. He’s taken action on a significant number of issues, but has not taken any significant steps to assure that Americans with disabilities can live in freedom.
With the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upon us, there is greater attention on the ADA and the rights of people with disabilities. President Obama should take this unique opportunity and leverage this anniversary not only to affirm - but also to advance - the rights of people with disabilities, including the right of people with disabilities to live in the most integrated setting and be integrated in the community.
Support ADAPTers at the White House by sending a message to the President's top advisors on domestic policy.
While in Washington DC, ADAPT is working to coordinate introduction of the Community Integration Act (CIA). The 2015 version that ADAPT has developed creates a new Title of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires states and insurance providers that pay for Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) to provide community-based services first and offer HCBS to people currently in institutions.
The proposed legislation - as part of the ADA - says “No individual ... shall be denied community-based long term services and supports so the individual can live in the community and lead an independent life.” It also makes it illegal for a state and insurance providers that pay for LTSS to fail to provide HCBS by using waiting lists, screening people out, capping services, paying workers too little for services, or the other excuses which states have used to keep people from living in freedom. CIA requires each state to offer community-based services and supports to any individual who is eligible to go into an institution. It also requires states to take active steps to make sure that there is enough accordable, accessible, and integrated housing. Finally, the legislation also includes new enforcement mechanisms to assure that states comply with the it when it becomes law.
You can learn more about the legislation here:
Thank you for taking action! We are not just remembering the history of the ADA and our civil rights movement. We continue to make it!
In the face of a Congress that has been unwilling to work with him to advance his priorities, President Obama has sought out ideas he can announce and enact on his own. He’s taken action on a significant number of issues, but has not taken any significant steps to assure that Americans with disabilities can live in freedom.
With the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upon us, there is greater attention on the ADA and the rights of people with disabilities. President Obama should take this unique opportunity and leverage this anniversary not only to affirm - but also to advance - the rights of people with disabilities, including the right of people with disabilities to live in the most integrated setting and be integrated in the community.
Support ADAPTers at the White House by sending a message to the President's top advisors on domestic policy.
ADAPT demands that the Obama Administration:
•Issue an Executive Order that acknowledges the inhumane warehousing of people in nursing facilities and other institutions and implements specific steps to end this practice, including increased Olmstead enforcement, implementation of policies to assure that state Medicaid rates for home and community-based services support adequate wages for attendants and greater oversight of state Medicaid programs;
•Designate Vice President Biden as an “Ambassador for Community Living” and send him on an ADA Anniversary Tour where he visits ten model programs for transitioning people with disabilities into the community and convenes round-tables in ten states to support them in developing effective systems for truly integrating people with disabilities; and
•Issue a statement that the President supports the development of legislation clarifying and strengthening the ADA’s integration mandate and assuring that people with disabilities have a community-based alternative to institutional placement that allows them to lead an independent life.
To follow National ADAPT on Twitter, use @nationaladapt or go to
The proposed legislation - as part of the ADA - says “No individual ... shall be denied community-based long term services and supports so the individual can live in the community and lead an independent life.” It also makes it illegal for a state and insurance providers that pay for LTSS to fail to provide HCBS by using waiting lists, screening people out, capping services, paying workers too little for services, or the other excuses which states have used to keep people from living in freedom. CIA requires each state to offer community-based services and supports to any individual who is eligible to go into an institution. It also requires states to take active steps to make sure that there is enough accordable, accessible, and integrated housing. Finally, the legislation also includes new enforcement mechanisms to assure that states comply with the it when it becomes law.
You can learn more about the legislation here:
ADAPT will be on the hill on Wednesday so we are asking you to call Senator Durbin AND Senator Kirk
Simply call and ask for the Senator's office.
I am calling to seek your support for introduction of legislation that creates a new Title of the Americans with Disabilities Act to assure that people with disabilities can live in the community and lead an independent life. On Wednesday, disability rights advocates will be coming to your office to deliver a packet of information about this legislation and I want you to know that I support this. Thank you for supporting previous versions that addressed this critical civil rights issue. Please consider being in the group of Senators who initially introduce and cosponsor this legislation. Thank you.
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