A disabled American army veteran responded in perfect style after a cruel note was left on his car demanding he not use special parking bays because he “didn’t look” handicapped.
article by Lee Morán | October 2015
The man was left stunned when he returned to his vehicle in Houston, Texas, and discovered the message on his windscreen.
The man was left stunned when he returned to his vehicle in Houston, Texas, and discovered the message on his windscreen.
The letter addressed him as “buddy,” before harshly telling him to “stop parking in handicap spots!!!!”
“You DO NOT have a sticker nor do you look handicapped,” it read.
“I have taken a picture of your licence plate and sent it to the office for towing by the courtesy officer. Stop being a jerk!!” it added.
The veteran, who has not been named, wrote out a phenomenal response - where he explains exactly why he has the right to use the bays - before attaching it to a photocopy of the original note he’d received.
A picture of the two letters was uploaded to Reddit, and it’s since gone viral with more than 2.8 million views.
“In the state of Texas, if a vehicle has DISABLED VETERAN licence plates, that vehicle is not required, BY LAW, to have a handicapped placard displayed, nor a handicapped emblem on the licence plate, UNLESS that vehicle is parked on FEDERAL property,” he said.
“If you had bothered to spend 30 seconds and pull the miniature computer out of your pocket to research this then you would have never needed to leave me this offensive note.
"Considering that you took a picture of my licence plate that says: DISABLED VETERAN US ARMED FORCES.
"But it’s cool. You probably just let your emotions get the best of you and felt like being a social justice hero,” he added, before commenting on his appearance.
“Although I may not ‘look’ handicapped to you, I can assure you that the amount of pain I feel from walking due to combat-sustained injuries far supersedes any level of pain you have ever felt in your entire life,” he said.
“Or maybe not… Who am I to say? After all, I don’t even know who you are. By the way, I would love to hear what your idea of a handicapped person 'looks’ like.”
The author then revealed he would frame the original message and “look at it everyday as to remind myself what kind of person NOT to be.”
He signed off with the phrase: “The guy who doesn’t look handicapped.”
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