as submitted to The State Journal-Register, Letters to The Editor 'Opinion' by Tony Paulauski..

Rebalancing the developmental disability system will forever change the lives of people with disabilities in Illinois.
It’s a life enhancing process that offers promise, freedom and opportunity, even for those with the most severe disabilities.
Consider Margaret, who spent 50 years at the Howe Developmental Center and became a neighbor, friend and roommate, or David, who recently moved from the Jacksonville Developmental Center to work at a car wash.
And there are Jennifer, Dinah and Rachael, who transitioned from Jacksonville into a new home where they have made new friends, are eating healthy and are spending more time with family.
Thanks to Gov. Pat Quinn’s rebalancing initiative and support from disability champions in the General Assembly, people with disabilities are being offered the opportunity to achieve their full potential by putting state resources behind transitioning them into a community of choice. Our policy makers have learned from the success of 14 other states that closed state institutions and shifted resources to allow people with disabilities the opportunity to thrive in the community.
There is no question anyone can live a happy and successful life in the community with the proper supports and services. Although taxpayers save money with community programs versus keeping antiquated institutions in operation, it’s not about money. It’s a matter of civil rights and providing people with disabilities the opportunity for full inclusion.
The best part about the rebalancing initiative is that it truly is for everyone, because each move is planned and customized to meet individual needs. Whether it’s 24-hour care, handicap accessibility or mobility equipment, community living is possible for all.
A thoughtful person-centered planning process that looks at the possibilities and evaluates the individual’s needs takes time. Evaluators need to get to know the person, their preferences and how they would like to live. They need time to evaluate medical and behavioral needs to ensure a healthy and safe transition. Providers need time to hire and train the best staff and to purchase equipment.
Stall tactics allow experts less time to develop a comprehensive person centered plan and the outcome might include multiple moves, relocation outside the area and added stress. There is no downside to going through the person-centered process and evaluation because the individual can opt out at anytime.
Ensuring that everyone with a disability has the opportunity to live in the community is the mission of the Going Home Campaign. We are a diverse group of stakeholders dedicated to helping self-advocates and families through the transition process.
I understand that change is sometimes scary, but rest assured, you are not alone. We have helped families transition from the Jacksonville Developmental Center, and we are here for Murray Developmental Center families, too. I truly hope Murray residents see the rebalancing initiative as an opportunity and allow us the privilege of helping them to realize their full potential.
To learn more about the Going Home Campaign, to connect with our team or to access our resources visit

Tony Paulauski is the executive director of The Arc of Illinois and a member of the Going Home Campaign.
The State Journal-Register
Posted May 25, 2013
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We at Ability Chicago support Mr Paulauski, The Arc of Illinois and so many individuals and organizations in there efforts in Illinois of an Independent Life for People with Disabilities

Rebalancing the developmental disability system will forever change the lives of people with disabilities in Illinois.
It’s a life enhancing process that offers promise, freedom and opportunity, even for those with the most severe disabilities.
Consider Margaret, who spent 50 years at the Howe Developmental Center and became a neighbor, friend and roommate, or David, who recently moved from the Jacksonville Developmental Center to work at a car wash.
And there are Jennifer, Dinah and Rachael, who transitioned from Jacksonville into a new home where they have made new friends, are eating healthy and are spending more time with family.
Thanks to Gov. Pat Quinn’s rebalancing initiative and support from disability champions in the General Assembly, people with disabilities are being offered the opportunity to achieve their full potential by putting state resources behind transitioning them into a community of choice. Our policy makers have learned from the success of 14 other states that closed state institutions and shifted resources to allow people with disabilities the opportunity to thrive in the community.
There is no question anyone can live a happy and successful life in the community with the proper supports and services. Although taxpayers save money with community programs versus keeping antiquated institutions in operation, it’s not about money. It’s a matter of civil rights and providing people with disabilities the opportunity for full inclusion.
The best part about the rebalancing initiative is that it truly is for everyone, because each move is planned and customized to meet individual needs. Whether it’s 24-hour care, handicap accessibility or mobility equipment, community living is possible for all.
A thoughtful person-centered planning process that looks at the possibilities and evaluates the individual’s needs takes time. Evaluators need to get to know the person, their preferences and how they would like to live. They need time to evaluate medical and behavioral needs to ensure a healthy and safe transition. Providers need time to hire and train the best staff and to purchase equipment.
Stall tactics allow experts less time to develop a comprehensive person centered plan and the outcome might include multiple moves, relocation outside the area and added stress. There is no downside to going through the person-centered process and evaluation because the individual can opt out at anytime.
Ensuring that everyone with a disability has the opportunity to live in the community is the mission of the Going Home Campaign. We are a diverse group of stakeholders dedicated to helping self-advocates and families through the transition process.
I understand that change is sometimes scary, but rest assured, you are not alone. We have helped families transition from the Jacksonville Developmental Center, and we are here for Murray Developmental Center families, too. I truly hope Murray residents see the rebalancing initiative as an opportunity and allow us the privilege of helping them to realize their full potential.
To learn more about the Going Home Campaign, to connect with our team or to access our resources visit

Tony Paulauski is the executive director of The Arc of Illinois and a member of the Going Home Campaign.
The State Journal-Register
Posted May 25, 2013
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We at Ability Chicago support Mr Paulauski, The Arc of Illinois and so many individuals and organizations in there efforts in Illinois of an Independent Life for People with Disabilities
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