Have you heard of Apostrophe Magazine? This full-color, glossy, quarterly publication is designed specifically for, about and by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with features dedicated to advocacy, news, lifestyle and other topics of interest to the I/DD community.
The magazine is published each January, April, July and October and frequently features editorials from The Arc’s national office on vital issues such as federal public policy along with articles about interesting happenings at chapters of The Arc across the country.

Subscribe now for only $19.99 for one year and help support The Arc’s advocacy work. Apostrophe Magazine’s parent company is The Arc’s state chapter in Montana and the magazine frequently works to raise awareness of issues crucial to The Arc’s mission. This is not considered a charitable donation and is not tax deductible, but you will receive an annual subscription to an interesting, entertaining and educational publication all about people with I/DD in exchange for your support! Check out www.apostrophemagazine.com for a preview of what you can expect to receive with your subscription.
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Arc 1825 K Street, NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 800.433.5255 | The Arc homepage: CLICK HERE
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