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Friday, August 5, 2011

New Dean of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Applied Health Sciences; A leading expert for persons with disabilities Aug 2011

Newswise — A leading expert in exercise physiology, especially for persons with disabilities, has been named dean of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Applied Health Sciences.

Bo Fernhall, professor of kinesiology and community health at the university's Urbana-Champaign campus, will assume the deanship in Chicago on Oct. 1, pending approval by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees.

“Professor Fernhall is an internationally recognized scholar in his field of exercise physiology and an experienced academic administrator," said Jerry Bauman, interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. "Because of our existing strengths, he is a perfect fit for the dean our highly regarded College of Applied Health Sciences. I couldn’t be more pleased that he chose UIC."

Fernhall has nearly three decades of experience teaching, administering academic programs, directing cardiac rehabilitation programs, and conducting research on cardiovascular function and lifetime health. He is associate editor of the journal Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise and Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, and serves on the editorial board of Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Among his honors and distinctions, he is a member of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and a Fellow of the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine. He is author or co-author of some 200 refereed manuscripts, more than 225 research presentation abstracts and 10 books or book chapters.

Fernhall said he looks forward to his new position and will enlist support from faculty, staff, students and alumni to bolster even further the college's high standing.

"We will build on our strengths and together find innovative solutions to the challenges we face," he said. "Considering the economic realities of both our state and nation, it will not be easy. But I'm sure it will be exciting and rewarding."

Fernhall earned a B.S. in physical education and M.S. in exercise science from Southern Connecticut State College, and a Ph.D. in exercise physiology from Arizona State University. He has taught at the Urbana-Champaign campus since 2004, serving as associate dean in Applied Health Sciences for research and academic affairs. Prior to that he held academic and professional positions at Syracuse University, where he was professor and chair of exercise science; the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington; University of Rhode Island; and Northern Illinois University.

Fernhall succeeds Charlotte "Toby" Tate, who retires after 10 years as dean but will remain a UIC faculty member in disability and human development and in kinesiology and nutrition.

The UIC College of Applied Health Sciences offers innovative and highly-ranked degree programs through the doctoral level in biomedical and health information sciences, disability and human development, kinesiology and nutrition, and occupational and physical therapy. Programs emphasize a multidisciplinary approach to the promotion of health and well-being, especially among those who live in urban areas.

# As posted by Newswise : 8/4/2011

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