Equip for Equality wants your input on how we can best meet the legal advocacy needs of people with disabilities. There are 3 ways for you to let us know what you think.
1. In Person: We are hosting two Public Meetings - one in Springfield and one in Chicago. These meetings allow people with disabilities, family members, service providers and other interested parties to give us input on how to allocate our resources. A sign language interpreter will be present. Let us know if you need other accommodations to participate in the meeting when you register on our website at www.equipforequality.org. Or, you can contact Cecille at 312-895-7346.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013RSVP by registering on our website at www.equipforequality.org
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Capital City Training Center
(Lincoln Land Community College)
Lower Level Auditorium
130 W. Mason Street
Springfield, IL 62702
Friday, June 21, 2013
10:00 am - 12 noon
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street-Room 9-040
Chicago, IL 60601
or calling Cecille at 312-895-7346
2. Via the Internet: You can provide your input by filling out an online survey by June 30, 2013. Go to our website, www.equipforequality.org, to link to our online survey.
3. Mail/Fax: You can provide your input by mailing or faxing your completed survey to us by June 30, 2013. Go to our website, www.equipforequality.org, to download a printable version of our survey. Then, fax it to us at 312-541-7544. Or, mail it to us at Equip for Equality, Attn: Cecille/Survey, 20 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 300, Chicago, IL 60602.
We carefully consider all input when deciding how to allocate our resources. And we've started new initiatives as a result of past input. Our staff and Board of Directors look forward to your input so we can share our visions for the future with each other. We hope you will participate as we work together to advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities in Illinois.
Thank you from Equip for Equality!
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