YouTube Published byU.S. Department of State on Nov 20, 2013
Co-Anchor and Managing Editor of PBS NewsHour Judy Woodruff hosts a discussion with Special Advisor for International Disability Rights Judith Heumann and the Honorable Patrick Murphy about the Disabilities Treaty and its connection to people with disabilities at home and abroad at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on November 19, 2013.
For more information on this topic, visit the Disabilities Treatywebpage and follow Special Advisor for International Disability Rights Judith Heumann on Twitter at @IntDisability (and follow #DisabilitiesTreaty and #CRPD). You can also follow her on Facebook at .
Message from:
American Association of People with Disabilities
2013 H Street NW, 5th Floor | Washington, DC 20006
2013 H Street NW, 5th Floor | Washington, DC 20006
The second Disability Treaty hearing is Nov 21, 2013! Call your Senators TODAY!WE NEED YOUR HELP!Nov 21 is the second and FINAL Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on the Disability Treaty, formally known as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). We need you to call your Senators TODAY to tell them that you support the Disability Treaty. We need to show the Senate that the disability community is behind this treaty!The more people that call today, the more impact we will have! The Disability Treaty provides a vital framework for creating legislation and policies around the world that embrace the rights and dignity of all people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was the model for the Disability Treaty. On December 4, 2012 the Senate considered the ratification of the Disability Treaty but fell only 5 votes short of the super-majority vote required. We need you to call your Senators. If your Senators are listed below, we especially need your support today.
Forward this message onto your lists of friends and colleagues so they can join us in sending a message to the Foreign Relations Committee that we support the Disability Treaty! Thank you for your help! For more information and to view the hearing live at 9:30AM tomorrow, Thursday, November 21st,please click here. We will also be live Tweeting! Follow @AAPD and Tweet #CRPD and #ISupportCRPD. For more resources, go to http://www. |
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