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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Juggling Work and Caregiving | Free eBook from AARP

Bookstore: Juggling Work and Caregiving


Are you a working caregiver? Then you must download our eBook "Juggling Work & Caregiving" by our own Amy Goyer. A must read for anyone working and caring for a loved one. Did we mention it's FREE? http://bit.ly/1b8bm95

Juggling Work and Caregiving |
Disponible en español
By Amy Goyer
October 2013
Cost: Free
Book Description

A staggering 50 million Americans face the challenges of caring for a loved one while working. Although caregiving can be a richly rewarding experience, the role comes with enormous responsibilities—and pressures. AARP’s gentle guide provides practical resources and tips that are easy to find when you need them, whether you’re caregiving day to day, planning for future needs or in the middle of a crisis. And equally important, this book helps you care for the caregiver—you. Author Amy Goyer, an expert in aging and families, provides insight, inspiration and her own poignant story as a live-in caregiver to her parents.

AMY GOYER, AARP Home & Family expert: Amy provides expertise on a variety of family issues - from grand-parenting to family caregiving, parenting and other family relationships, and multigenerational living. Follow her on Twitter @amygoyer.

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