Disability News Service, Resources, Diversity, Americans with Disabilities Act; Local and National.

Friday, March 15, 2013

American Sign Language (ASL) video library for learning, teaching resource, information at ASLPRO.COM

ASLPRO.COM is a wonderful website to learn American Sign Language (ASL). There are numerous resources to explore, and learn.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve the needs of the ASL Educational Community. We strive to provide free, easy-to-use reference and learning tools to enhance in-classroom learning for ASL Educators and their Students.

ASLPro.com was created to be a free resource for the classroom teacher. Teachers can create accounts and personalize a quiz for their students' use, then take them into a lab and let them practice seeing models other than their own teacher. Because our signs are designed to be used in student quizzes, Non-Manual Signals are purposefully omitted.

We welcome the general public to view our site, but it should be noted that this site is not designed to be a stand alone learning tool. A user's best course of action is to enroll in an ASL class with a qualified teacher who can guide them in such variations as regional differences and facial expressions that are not addressed in our video database.

There is a wonderful video library for Verbal Instruction for Basic ASL Signs with Signing with Cindy also as ASL.COM:

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