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Monday, January 23, 2017

Ed Roberts Day 2017 - January 23rd - Empowering Advocates and Activists for People with Disabilities

Ed Roberts was both an advocate and an activist. He was a leader in the civil rights movement and championed the rights of people with disabilities. He was the founder of the first Center for Independent Living and the World Institute on Disability. Ed advocated for his right to attend a university and was a activist in the 504 sit-in held in San Francisco. He was known for a lot of things by a lot of people, but most importantly he believed in empowering others to become advocates and activists.
Ed Roberts Day 2017 is celebrated by a dedicated website, and is A Project of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers at: http://yodisabledproud.org/ed-roberts-day/   

Please join a Twitter Chat on Monday, January 23rd - 3pm EST/1pm Central/12pm PST!
Tweeting about the importance of Ed and mentors like him in the disability community.
#MyMentorEd #EdRobertsDay17

For more information, videos, interviews on Ed Roberts amazing journey, we have numerous posts over the years:

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