Monday, June 5, 2017

Medicaid Day of Action on June 6th - Nationwide Action Alert!

Many groups around the country have been organizing events to defend health care in America. Now, we’ve all joined forces to declare June 6th a national Day of Action to #SaveMedicaid - and we need YOU to get in on the action. Here’s how you can get involved:

Join a rally.

  • If you’re in the DC area, there’s a rally planned for 11:30am. Find out more details here.
  • Not in DC? Click here to find out about rallies planned in other parts of the country.
If you can’t attend a rally, don’t worry - there are many other ways you can take action that are just as important. We need to get our message across to Congress in as many ways as possible. Here’s what else you can do:

Call your Senators.

You can find your Senators’ contact information by entering your ZIP code at If you find it easier to leave an answering machine message than to talk to a staffer on the phone, you can call after work hours, and your message will still be counted. If you don’t speak, you can call using your AAC device, or get a friend to call in and read your message. No matter how you do it, your call is critical right now. Here’s a script you can use:

My name is [your full name]. I’m a constituent of Senator [Name], and I live in [your town]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to protect Medicaid. Specifically, I want the Senator to promise to vote against any bill that converts Medicaid into a per capita cap, including the potential ACA repeal bill. Per capita caps mean huge cuts to Medicaid that would cause many of your constituents to lose health care, and eliminate vital services that people with disabilities rely on to live in the community. Capping Medicaid will have a devastating impact on the lives of people with disabilities like [me/ my family member/ my friends]. We’re counting on you to do the right thing. Please tell the Senator to stand up for people with disabilities and save Medicaid!

Use the power of social media.

On June 6th, we want to see the #SaveMedicaid hashtag on every social media platform. After you’ve called your Senator, print out a “#SaveMedicaid because…” sign, fill it out & take a selfie with it, and share! Make sure to use the #SaveMedicaid hashtag so we can see it and share it as well. You can also tweet it at your Senators to remind them of your story and encourage others to take action.

No matter how you participate, we need everyone to take action on June 6thCongress represents us, the people -- and this affects all of us. On June 6th, we’re going to take to the streets, phone lines, social media, and Senators’ offices to tell them to #SaveMedicaid - and we hope you’ll be there with us. United, our message cannot be ignored: 
Nothing about us without us!

Source: Autistic Self Advocacy Network and so many organizations, and individuals sharing rally's nationwide - TY To ALL!

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