Friday, December 23, 2016

'Please Offer Me A Seat' badges for people with 'invisible' disabilities introduced by London public transport

ABC News - Dec. 22, 2016 - Badges for people with invisible disabilities or conditions will be introduced permanently on London's public transport network, following a successful trial.

The blue badge, which reads "Please offer me a seat", and accompanying card were trialled for six weeks earlier this year.

In a statement, Transport for London (TFL) said the trial was in response to feedback from passengers and research.

"[The research] found that those with hidden disabilities and conditions, or those undergoing treatments, can often find it difficult to get a seat when they need one," the statement said.

The new badges were tested by more than 1,200 people, with the majority reporting easier journeys and feeling more confident asking for a seat.

James McNaught, who took part in the trial and had earlier created his own "cancer on board" badge, said getting a seat on transport could be difficult because it was not obvious to others why he needed one.

"When I was undergoing radiotherapy for throat cancer, it meant I couldn't talk to ask for a seat and the morphine I was taking made me appear drunk," he said.
"It was a real struggle to get people to understand why I needed to sit down.
"A badge and card will help make a real difference to the lives of people undergoing drug treatment or with longer term conditions or disabilities."

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