Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chicago-area Local teen with Spina Bifida needs new wheelchair van, lift

YouTube Published on Nov 20, 2013


I'm Carlos Delgado; I am 19 years old and was born with Spina Bifida. I'm unable to walk because I'm paralyzed below my waist. I am ventilator and oxygen dependent. I graduated from high school last year and am now a full time student in the LIGHT program, where I am learning life skills. In the future, I hope to go to college and get my degree in computer technology.

I have two younger siblings, a sister and a brother. Four years ago, my father passed away suddenly. My mom works full time as an assembler at a medical supply manufacturer. My grandpa also lives with us. Since I am confined to a wheel chair and am ventilator dependent, I need to have someone with me all the time. I am in a state funded program that provides me with nursing care, during the day and evening, until I turn 22 years old.

In 2000, we got a half ton van with a wheelchair lift; I was seven years old at the time. I had a manual wheelchair, now I have a power wheelchair with a battery, ventilator with a battery, oxygen and an emergency bag. The total weight, including myself, is around 700 pounds. Unfortunately, my lift does not accommodate that amount of weight. Our wheelchair lift is no longer working. It was repaired in the summer, now it's stopped working again. We have been told we need a 3/4 ton van and a lift that will hold 1000 pounds. For that reason, we can't get the lift repaired.

It is so important for me to have a van with a lift because it is my only means of transportation. Without It, I am unable to go to doctor appointments, weekly mass, family activities, school sports activities, etc. Without my van I am homebound.

The wheel chair lift company recommended a three quarter ton Ford or Chevrolet van, not older than a 2006, and a lift that accommodates 1,000 pounds. The lift will cost around $8,000, installed. A new van will cost around $25,000 to $35,000, depending on the year, make and the size.

In order to help my mom pay for the van and lift, I decided to do fundraising. I am asking you to tell your friends and family about this You Tube video. If each person sends a small donation, I believe I will raise enough money to buy this equipment. Just think, if 35,000-40,000 people send $1, I will raise enough money.

I greatly appreciate your help.
Please go to this link to make your donations.

Thank you

Carlos Delgado

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