Monday, October 10, 2011

The Coffee Klatch Radio Show: Parental empowerment & advocacy when raising a child with a disability


Visit our sister network with five new shows

There is nothing more empowering than confidence and there is no greater need for that empowerment than when raising a child with a disability.
The success and response to the programs on The Coffee Klatch has been overwhelming. Our guests are comprised of the most respected and admired in the world. The offering of a broad range of topics and children’s disorders has brought a unity among our followers with a greater understanding of our children, a greater respect for their parents and the acceptance and appreciation of the differences in both.

In an effort to continue providing outstanding broadcasts to the special needs community, Special Needs Coffee Klatch Ltd. has expanded with the addition of a sister network -­‐ Special Needs Talk Radio. Our goal is to offer parents support, information and inspiration on their special needs journey by offering practical and focused educational parenting programming.

Become empowered, become confident, become the best parent you can be. Meet and learn from those who have dedicated their careers to treating, protecting and educating special needs children. Meet the parents who have walked in your shoes, understand your fears and are here to guide you.

Dr. Gary Brannigan and Dr. Howard Margolis, two of the most respected professionals in the special needs community, authors of Reading Disabilities: Beating The Odds will teach parents and professionals how they can help children develop their personal, social, emotional and academic abilities.

Elise Ronan, a special needs parent and advocate with Susan Cortilet, a life skills and college coaching specialist bring you into the real world of raising a child on the Autism spectrum from infancy to adulthood.

Jennifer Laviano, a special education attorney with Julie Swanson, a parent of a teenager with a disability and a Special Education Advocate unriddle the questions and anxiety surrounding Special Education Law and your child’s rights.

Nicole Eredics educator and founder of The Inclusive Class along with the incredible Terri Mauro author of 50 Ways to Support Your Child’s Special Education and The Everything Parent’s Guide To Sensory Integration Disorder help you create a sensory friendly classroom and world for your disregulated child.

Ariva Weiss and Ilana Danneman the incredible forces behind Fun and Function bring you the best Gizmos, Gadgets, Sensory Solutions, Apps, and Games to help your child calm, learn, overcome, communicate and have fun.

Talking Special Needs Network is committed to bringing you the same quality broadcasts and standard of excellence that you have come to expect from The Coffee Klatch.

# For The Coffee Klatch, please visit:

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