Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top 10 Myths About ADHD

Just-released government statistics confirm that ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is more prevalent than ever before, increasing over the past decade from 6.9% to 9% among children ages 5 to 17. With nearly 1 in 10 kids being diagnosed with ADHD, and more adults learning they have it, too, it's become commonplace to blame it for everything from bad behavior to a messy house. Everyone, from friends and neighbors to Hollywood celebrities, has something to say about it, much of it with no basis in science. Here to help you get your facts straight, the top 10 misconceptions about ADHD:

Myth #1: Only kids have ADHD

Although about 10% of kids 5 to 17 years old have been diagnosed with ADHD, at least 4% of adults have it, too -- and probably many more, since adult ADHD is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. That's partly because people think only kids get it.

Myth #2: All kids "outgrow" ADHD

Not nearly always. Up to 70% of children with ADHD continue to have trouble with it in adulthood, which can create relationship problems, money troubles, work strife, and a rocky family life

Myth #3: Medication is the only treatment for ADHD

Medication can be useful in managing ADHD symptoms, but it's not a cure. And it's not the only treatment. Lifestyle changes, counseling, and behavior modification can significantly improve symptoms as well. Several studies suggest that a combination of ADHD treatments works best

Myth #4: People who have ADHD are lazy and lack intelligence and willpower

This is totally not true. In fact, ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence or determination. It's a neurobehavioral disorder caused by changes in brain chemicals and the way the brain works. It presents unique challenges, but they can be overcome -- which many successful people have done. Even Albert Einstein is said to have had symptoms of ADHD

Myth #5: ADHD isn't a real disorder

Not so. Doctors and mental-health professionals agree that ADHD is a biological disorder that can significantly impair functioning. An imbalance in brain chemicals affects brain areas that regulate behavior and emotion. This is what produces ADHD symptoms

Myth #6: Bad parenting causes ADHD

Absolutely not! ADHD symptoms are caused by brain-chemical imbalances (see #4 and #5) that make it hard to pay attention and control impulses. Good parenting skills help children deal with their symptoms

Myth #7: Kids with ADHD are always hyper

Not always. ADHD comes in three "flavors": predominantly inattentive; predominantly hyperactive-impulsive; and combined, which is a mix of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. Although kids with hyperactive-impulsive or combined ADHD may be fidgety and restless, kids with inattentive ADHD are not hyper

Myth #8: Too much TV time causes ADHD

Not really. But spending excessive amounts of time watching TV or playing video games could trigger the condition in susceptible individuals. And in kids and teens who already have ADHD, spending hours staring at electronic screens may make symptoms worse

Myth #9: If you can focus on certain things, you don't have ADHD

It's not that simple. Although it's true that people with ADHD have trouble focusing on things that don't interest them, there's a flip side to the disorder. Some people with ADHD get overly absorbed in activities they enjoy. This symptom is called hyperfocus. It can help you be more productive in activities that you like, but you can become so focused that you ignore responsibilities you don't like

Myth #10: ADHD is overdiagnosed

Nope. If anything, ADHD is underdiagnosed and undertreated. Many children with ADHD grow up to be adults with ADHD. The pressures and responsibilities of adulthood often exacerbate ADHD symptoms, leading adults to seek evaluation and help for the first time. Also, parents who have children with ADHD may seek treatment only after recognizing similar symptoms in themselves

# Source: The Editors at RealAge Aug 18, 2011

From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder organizations; 2011

In the US

Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) helping adults with ADHD live better lives.

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD) a membership organization that hosts support groups for individuals with ADHD, publishes Attention! magazine and sponsors an annual conference and runs the National Resource Center on ADHD clearinghouse for evidence-based information on ADHD.

Feingold Association of the United States (FAUS) educating people about the benefits of the Feingold Diet

Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) support for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities

Edge Foundation providing coaches that specialize in high school and college students with ADHD

LDOnline bringing support and resources focusing on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences.

In the UK

the Hyperactive Children's Support Group (HACSG) a registered charity that is a a proponent of a dietary approach to the problem of hyperactivity.

Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service provides information and resources about ADHD to parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.

Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder working to raise the profile of ADHD Adults.

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