Friday, August 5, 2011

Guest Column: Illinois State-run facilities best option for many with disabilities

#Ability Chicago; as our policy we will share different opinions on issues for people with disabilities*
To all politicians — and Tony Paulauski, executive director of the Arc of Illinois — who believe state-operated facilities need to close: My sons reside at the Jack Mabley Center in Dixon.

They receive wonderful care and are part of a community. They work and they are safe.

In a July 14 story in the Daily Herald, Paulauski and three suburban Chicago lawmakers promoted themselves as advocates protecting individuals with disabilities. It is not the truth.

In wanting to close state-run institutions, their concerns are about the budget, not what is best for the severely disabled individual.

Everyone cannot make it in the community. Our family has tried six times. Each time, my sons are sent back to the state-operated facility. I also have numerous rejection letters.

My sons need consistency and well-trained staff. Community providers do not have the experience nor can they maintain consistency. I have horror stories; one time, I almost lost one of my sons.

They are 38 and 41, but they function at the ages of 3 and 7. They have Fragile X syndrome. One is blind and the other has diabetes. Fragile X has several components, including autism, ADHD, hyperactivity, obsessive/compulsive disorder and extreme abusive behavior.

Have you taken your child to the doctor and had that doctor ask you not to bring him in the office because of his behavior?

If one of my sons does not like the feel of his clothing, he will urinate and tear the clothes until we get the right feel. He has removed — and will remove — his clothing in public and beat himself.

Is this what you feel is appropriate in the community? Would you like us to move to your neighborhood?

If placed with a community provider, how soon before these individuals would be drugged to the point of death?

Maybe you feel jail time would be better?

There is so much waste in Illinois. Let’s not take away from those you promised to protect and those you claim to advocate for.

What happened to our rights, to choose where we live and be provided with appropriate services?

I don’t believe lawmakers who intentionally destroy the lives of so many are living up to the oath they took when they began their term in office: to protect the people of Illinois and those most vulnerable.

Maybe they do not consider individuals with disabilities “people.”

As for the people who do cost comparisons for individuals with disabilities, remember: The cost of a state-operated facility is all-inclusive, but with a community provider it is a la carte.

# Guest Columnist - Barbara Cozzone Achino of Cherry Valley is the mother and legal guardian of Bob and Michael, who live at the Jack Mabley Center in Dixon. She is the president of the Dixon Association for Retarded Citizens and is on the Human Rights Committee at the Jack Mabley Center.

# As posted at Rockford Register Star Aug 04, 2011

*We at Ability Chicago are supporters of Mr Tony Paulauski, executive director of the Arc of Illinois.

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